The truth about living in London

I never really dreamed of living in London. When I was about 11 I spent my days dreaming about New York City. I don’t really dream about that now either. It just so happens I had friends in London and Student Finance meant I could actually afford to live here for the past two years. Not so much anymore. But I’m not going to sit here and blab on at you about the cost of living. I want to give a true account of what it’s like living in the capital. Good and bad.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is over and I’m sad

I’ve always been one of those people who get WAAAY too into a tv show. Glee? Yep. Teen Wolf? Uh huh. Riverdale? Unfortunately. But none are like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I’ve never intensely wished for a certain couple to get together or aggressively hated a character (kind of impossible since they’re all gems) in this show. I’ve realised the reason is that I can see them as real people. And I kind of relate to their awfulness.

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The Power of the Selfie

“Millenials are obsessed with taking selfies!” “Don’t they have anything better to do?” “It’s all about vanity these days!” I can hear the middle-aged crusty old financial adviser named Derek screaming from the hilltops. As I lift my phone, scroll through the filters and smile, I could not care less what Derek’s screaming about. I never really understood the power a selfie can have until now. You can try to get all philosophical about it but honestly for me, when I think I look good, I feel good. There isn’t really much more to it.

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A Re-brand – Of Sorts..

I am probably the most inconsistent blogger of all time. There’s no beating around the bush with that one. I keep saying I’m back and then I write one post and disappear. Well, I do apologise. It’s been a little hectic over the past few months with me actually completing my first year of university this time around (YAY GO ME!). And believe me, I have a lot of drafts and notes written for a ton of blog posts I’ve just not been happy with. If you’ve read one of my previous posts The Love & Difficulty of Blogging you’ll get it. I want to post something I can be proud of rather than any old rubbish I could write in a ten minute tube journey.

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I’m Back …Again

Back again… (Shady’s back) Okay, so it’s been approximately a million years since I last posted something on this blog and I can only apologise for that. I’m currently sat in my first ever first class seat on a two hour train journey home for Christmas and I thought why the heck not use up that complimentary WiFi and finally make my comeback? Whether this’ll be the extent of an RDJ comeback is currently unclear and very unlikely but I just wanted to write this post to say ‘Hey! I’m still around!’

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GOMO: Experiences Are Priceless

Life can be boring, monotonous, dull, and other synonyms, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ve recently found myself in a rut, doing the same things over and over, everyday. I wake up, go to work, come home, have a nap, eat my dinner, fall asleep, and repeat. Whilst it’s great I finally have a routine going in my life, it’s clearly not a healthy one. That’s why, when I found myself inspired by Eventbrite and their ‘Going Out More Often’ campaign, I jumped at the chance to develop my own bucket list for this year, focusing on what I spend my money on. I want to get myself going again, excited about new things and doing whatever I can whenever I can.

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Hello 2017! | Goals

Well hello there, it’s been a while!
I’ve been an awful blogger lately, part of which I blame on my own stupidity by dropping my laptop off a 4 foot height. Turns out laptops aren’t indestructible – who knew?! Despite that, I’m rejoining the world of blogging with the standard beginning-of-the-year post. I actually plan to be productive this year so I should probably come up with some goals and things I want to do in 2017. Here we go…

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Skincare: A Guide of Do’s & Don’ts

I have terrible skin. I always have. There’s no beating around the bush with that one. Throughout my years of spotty life I’ve tried nearly everything on the market, from Simple to Freederm to Witch Hazel and homeopathic remedies. Some have worked and some haven’t, it’s just a fact of my life that not one thing has ever helped my skin consistently. I don’t have that one magical solution, as much as I wish I did. But I have found some success with various products & routines so maybe I can help another spotty person out there struggling to find the right concealer to cover the bumpy, red shame.

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What Am I Watching?

If there exists one true fact about me, it’s that I love television. There’s no way I can think of to emphasise the extent of this love other than just telling you. As a milennial, I’ve grown up around the development of TV as an art form, a societal influence, a way to form connections with others (it’s often my ice breaker with a lot of people I have to admit). Because of this, more and more brilliant and creative and unique television shows have been broadcasting all over the world, and watched by me of course. Here are just some of the shows I’ve been loving recently… Continue reading