Hello 2017! | Goals

Well hello there, it’s been a while!
I’ve been an awful blogger lately, part of which I blame on my own stupidity by dropping my laptop off a 4 foot height. Turns out laptops aren’t indestructible – who knew?! Despite that, I’m rejoining the world of blogging with the standard beginning-of-the-year post. I actually plan to be productive this year so I should probably come up with some goals and things I want to do in 2017. Here we go…

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The Love & Difficulty of Blogging

I love writing and I always have, so starting a blog always seemed like something I’d be made for. I’m so happy when I’m thinking of a post and planning it all out, finding the right pictures and structuring the paragraphs. So why have I been struggling so much lately?

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Travel Diaries: Porto Santo Island, Portugal

Every time I tell someone I visited Porto Santo Island, the general response I get is “Where?” I asked my mum the same question when she told me we were going on holiday there this year. Porto Santo is possibly the smallest place I have ever visited. As a whole the island has just over 5000 inhabitants and has an area of 16 sq miles. But for a small place, it has a rich history and is becoming more and more of a must-visit holiday destination. I loved my time there and was told some pretty interesting stories about the island that I thought would be nice to share!

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What Not to Do at University

Going to university can be both really fun and really daunting; you’re being thrown into a completely new situation with people who, not only have you never met before, but are from different places and have different backgrounds. I made a lot of mistakes in my first year of university, which ultimately lead to my dropping out,  and I don’t want anyone else to go through the same things so I’ve come up with a list of things NOT TO DO in your first year of university.

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